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Patient Intake Dashboard

The Patient Intake Dashboard displays information about your intake form and about the patients that have received intake.

  1. Select Intake at the top of the page.
  2. Next, choose the intake form you want to view the data for.
  3. On the Intake Form Dashboard, you can filter the data by Date Range, Region, and Facility.
  4. The dashboard cards display the following data points:
    1. Completion %: the percentage of all intake forms that have been completed. The number of completed forms divided by the total number of forms sent.
    2. Completed:  shows the total number of intake forms that have been completed. 
    3. Incomplete: shows the number of intake forms that have been started but not completed.
    4. Time to Complete: displays the average amount of time it takes for a patient to complete the form. Important: Only Completed intakes are included in this calculation.
  5. Below the Dashboard Cards, you can click on the Patients tab to see which patients were sent the intake form. 

    This section lists out the patient’s name, case ID, evaluation date, email, mobile phone number, intake form status, % complete, and intake PDF (if started). Click here for more information on downloading an intake form or here for sending intake to the WebPT EMR.

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