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Send Intake to EMR

If a patient arrives for their appointment and their intake forms are only partially complete, we recommend asking the patient to complete their intake using Kiosk Mode

However, if you would like to manually send an incomplete patient intake to the EMR to make copying information into the patient record easier, follow the steps below. 

At this time, the ability to send intake directly to the EMR is available only for members using WebPT or Clinicient as their EMR.

  1. Select Intake at the top of the page.
  2. Next, select your intake form.
  3. Then, select Patients. A list of patients below who have received this intake form will be displayed.

  4. Once you have found the patient in question, select the (...) menu under Intake PDF
  5. Next, select Send to EMR. This will be sent directly to the patient’s eDoc in the EMR and is tied to the specific case.
  6. A success notification pops up at the bottom of the page. Open the patient’s chart in the EMR to view, save, or copy over the patient’s intake information.
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