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Custom Domains

Custom Domains allows you to use your own website domain to host your Reach landing pages through the use of subdomains and CNAMEs. We’ve included resources below that provide additional information about subdomain setup. Note: If you have someone who manages your website for you, share this guide with them.  

Custom domains are available to users on the Premium plan.

How do Subdomains work?

A subdomain is an extension of your domain name. For example, try.bluept.com and get.bluept.com are subdomains of the bluept.com domain.

For example, if you verify the subdomain try.bluept.com, the URL will look something like this:


Setup Instructions

To verify a subdomain and use it on a landing page, you’ll need to complete a few tasks in Reach and your domain service provider accounts. Here's a brief overview of this process.


  1. Navigate to your Settings in Reach. 
  2. Select Domains.  
  3. Click Create Domain. 
  4. Next, enter the subdomain and domain names in each of the corresponding sections. For example: if our website was bluept.com and the subdomain we created was try.bluept.com, we would enter the following information into each field. 
  5. Click Save Domain.
  6. Your domain will have a processing status. 

Website Domain Provider Account

  1. Next, you’ll need to create a CNAME record in your domain provider’s domain manager that points to sites.strivehub.com. View instructions for each of the common domain providers below.
    1. If you do not create a CNAME or incorrectly establish the CNAME variables, you will receive an email letting you know Reach was unable to connect to the domain.  
    2. You’ll need to update (or create) the CNAME, then click the retry icon to begin the processing function.                                             


  1. Reach will send you an email as soon as your subdomain has connected successfully to the CNAME you’ve created.
  2. When connected you can use the Custom Domain when creating or editing a landing page. Just select the subdomain from the Custom Domain drop-down. Note: domains that have not been processed successfully will not appear. 
  3. Your landing page URL will use the Custom Domain you’ve created.   

How to Create a CNAME Record in Common DNS Providers

Here are some resources for creating CNAME records with popular domain providers. If your service isn't listed here, log in to your provider's site and search their help documents, or contact their customer support team.

Example CNAME Record

Depending on the domain provider you use, the terms used to describe parts of the CNAME record can vary. For example, some domain providers may refer to the field where you’ll enter your subdomain as either Name or Host. Similarly, the field where you’ll enter the CNAME record address provided by Reach could be referred to as Value, Points to, or Address.

In your domain provider account, your CNAME record will look something like this.

Record Type Name/Host Value/Points to/Address TTL
CNAMERecord subdomain.website.com sites.webpt.com Default
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