đź“Ł We have moved! All of the most up-to-date information on WebPT Products can be found in its new home on WebPT Discover.

Patient Contact Record

You can search for a patient from anywhere in the application using the Find a Patient bar to pull up their individual patient page. You can also search for patients on the Patients page.

The patient’s page contains three key sections:

  • About: contains demographic information pulled from the EMR.
  • Recent Communications: shows recent email communications, including NPS scores. For those with HEP, you can also track your patient's Activity in this section.
  • Contact Options: allows you to unsubscribe the patient from communication via Email, Text, or App.


This section allows you to view key demographic information about the patient, including email address. To edit this information, use the Edit Patient button. Remember: we recommend making all updates to the patient directly in the EMR and allowing those changes to flow over so that information isn’t overwritten by the integration.

Recent Communications

This section allows you to visually see a timeline of recent communication. You can filter communication by NPS®, Email, Text Message, In-App, Activity, Conversions, and Intake. Each section is segmented by month.


This section shows how the patient has responded to NPS surveys, including any feedback they may have left.


You can view the status of all content, including how the patient has interacted with it.  

Text Message

This section displays the messages received by the patient via text message, including how the patient interacted with it. 


This section displays the messages received by the patient within the Strivehub App.


Those who use the integrated HEP product can track a patient's adherence to their HEP by viewing the activities they've completed in the patient portal. 


This section documents any events where the patient was a lead but subsequently scheduled an initial evaluation, thus converting their lead status to patient status.


This section tracks intake events for a given patient, providing a status of Sent, In Progress, or Complete depending on where the patient is with their intake. 

Contact Options

Opt-out the patient from receiving emails, text messages, or app notifications. This is all or nothing, you cannot pick and choose which email campaigns the patient will receive once they’ve been opted out. Please note that if a patient unsubscribes using the link in a campaign email they received, they will automatically be opted out from all future communication, regardless of campaign type.

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