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File Management

Easily save images for use in your email communications with File Management. You can upload .jpg, .gif, or .png file types.

  1. Open your Settings menu.  
  2. Select File Management from the menu options on the left sidebar.
  3. To add a file, click Upload File
  4. In the Create File window, click Select File. 
  5. Locate the image you’d like to add. You can rename the image to make it easier to search for later. You can also clear or replace the image. 
  6. When ready, click Save File. 
  7. The file appears in your library and can now be added to your content. the screen. 

How to use an Image in Content

  1. In your File Management Library, select the … menu
  2. Click the Copy File Link icon.
  3. You’ll receive a success message in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  4. Next, navigate to Campaigns > Content. Select the Announcement or Blog Post where you'd like to add an image. Follow the instructions here: https://help.reach.strivehub.com/article/174-how-to-add-pictures-and-videos-to-content

Deleting Files

  1. In your File Management Library, select the … menu
  2. Click the Delete File icon.  
  3. Confirm.  
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