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Email Collection

Collecting patient email addresses during the intake process is crucial to success. Reach is designed to allow clinics to send the right message to the right contact at the right time, allowing us to communicate with patients about their diagnosis, flag individuals with a high risk of dropping out, and ultimately help patients receive a more complete plan of care.  However, in order for this process to work, we need to have the patient's email in the system. 

The best time to collect emails is during the intake and scheduling process. This allows Reach to send messages to patients before they arrive for their first visit. These messages contain information about their initial evaluation appointment, including links to required paperwork, staff bios, and directions to the clinic. We’ve seen over 30% of the patients who receive these emails come into the initial evaluation with their paperwork already filled out, which is going to save you time and work on the date of the initial evaluation.

If a patient is hesitant about providing their email address, we've found that telling them the following has a significant impact on their likelihood to provide their email address.

“We want to collect your email because it allows us to send you your paperwork, directions to our clinic, and information about your therapist prior to your first visit.  We will use it to send information about your condition. Additionally, it allows our therapists to send you your exercises online, where you can communicate with your PT between visits.  We will never spam you, and you can very easily opt out if you don’t want to receive that information"

In addition to the benefits listed above, Reach can impact your business in the following ways:

  • Reduces early patient dropout by an average of 30%.
  • Provides surveys that give your business the opportunity to understand the customer experience across your organization.
  • Increases online reviews: averaging 8 reviews per clinic location within the first 6 months of rollout.  This increases your Google ranking and helps new people find you.
  • Stays in touch with discharged patients automatically, giving them the opportunity to come back for a new course-of-care if a new issue occurs.  This gives you all the opportunity to become your patient's primary source of treatment for their muscle, bone, and joint issues.
  • Allows therapists to send patients their exercises online (if using our Home Exercise Program tool).
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