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Patient Demographic Integrated Fields with DPI

This functionality is currently in Limited Release to a select group of Members. We'll continue gradually rolling out this release over the coming weeks.

We have updated the Digital Patient Intake (DPI) and WebPT EMR integration to bring the following standard fields into the patient demographics section of the chart: Marital Status, Social Security Number, Emergency Contact, Address, Attorney Name, and Attorney Phone Number. This article shows each prompt from the patient's intake form and how it appears in the WebPT EMR.

Important: Demographic data may not be available for Members using customized forms.

    DPI Integration Verification

    When a patient completes their Digital Patient Intake, certain fields from the Personal Info section of the intake form will now automatically populate into the patient's demographic information. EMR users will have the ability to verify the accuracy of these fields using the DPI column. 

    1. Members with the Reach integration who have enabled the company setting to allow DPI into Patient Info (see below), will see a new column called DPI.
    2. If the EMR user had previously entered data into that part of the patient info, the DPI column will be blank for that row. 
    3. If the data came from the patient’s DPI submission, it will be marked as Unverified in the DPI column. 
    4. If an EMR user goes into that row to change the status and clicks Save, the DPI column status will change to Verified

    Note: Information previously added to the EMR will not be overwritten. For example, if a marital status was added when the patient was scheduled, but the patient entered a different response in the intake form, the integration will not override the original marital status.

    Enable/Disable DPI to Patient Demographic Integration 

    1. To ensure the integration between DPI and the EMR is active, start by logging into the WebPT EMR and accessing Company Settings from the clinic dropdown in the upper right. 
    2. Make sure the DPI Data Into Patient Info setting is toggled On (the default setting is On). 

    Note: Members who do not want patient demographics updated from intake (i.e., Members who only want demographics updated through their hospital integration) should toggle this setting to the Off position.

    3. Click Save Settings.

    Marital Status

    The patient’s selected answer to the “Please select your marital status” question will populate in the patient info section if no response has been previously recorded in the EMR. 

    Social Security Number

    Patients will have the opportunity to enter their social security number as a response to the “Please enter your social security number” field. It will populate in the Identifications tab of the patient info.

    Note: In the standard intake form offering, this question is not required, as some patients may not have or be willing to share their social security number. To bypass this question, patients should leave the field blank and simply click the Next button at the bottom of the screen.  


    Emergency Contact

    The response to the “In the event of an emergency, who would you like us to contact?” question will appear as a new contact entry in the Contacts list within the patient record. An EMR user can go in to edit or set the contact as Primary. 


    The patient’s response to their address within the Street, Unit #, City, State, and Zip Code fields after the prompt “Please provide your contact information here. We want to stay connected with you regarding your appointments or may have questions regarding your insurance or benefits” will be added as a new entry in the Addresses tab. If the patient enters an exact match to an existing address, an additional entry will not be added.

    Note: Integrations for the Home Phone Number and Mobile Phone Number fields will be added in the future. 

    Attorney Name and Phone Number

    The patient’s response to “Please provide your attorney's contact information” will populate in the Additional Info free text field below Assigned Therapist in the patient’s case.

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