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NPS Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Net Promoter® Score Section for?

The Net Promoter Score section helps you understand your patient's perception of their care, which is fundamental to delivering an excellent patient experience. Analyze the survey results, track trends, and implement changes to manage your clinic’s customer retention and drive business growth.

Q: How is the Net Promoter Score® (NPS) calculated?

You NPS is calculated by subtracting the percent of detractors from the percent of promoters. For example, if 80% of respondents are promoters and 10% are detractors, your NPS is +70.

You can find your overall NPS in the  Net Promoter Score Summary page.

Q: What is a good Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

With clinics who use our platform, we typically expect to see 80% of our clinics in the 70-80 NPS range, with 10% falling below that range and 10% rating above that range.

Q: Can the look of the Net Promoter Score survey be changed?

We cannot change how the survey appears because we have licensed the use of NPS, and part of that licensing forbids us from making any changes to how it appears.

Q: Can I receive alerts when an NPS response is submitted?

Yes, alerts are set up during your onboarding process and will only go to those who have been set up to receive them. However, if you are an admin in Reach, you can make changes to those who can and cannot receive alerts in the Settings tab of Reach. We generally only recommend turning on Low Score Alerts, as these are crucial for Detractor Management. However, you can send promoter and passive alerts as well.

Q: What is a Low Score Alert?

When a patient submits an NPS score between 0 and 6, a Low Score Alert is triggered. This Detractor Alert is sent via email and provides a link to the respondent’s NPS survey in Reach.

Q: Can I create a report of my NPS information?

Yes! Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the NPS® tab.
  2. Click the Export Data button. 
  3. This will prompt a download for an Excel spreadsheet of all patients that have completed a Net Promoter® Survey, their score, who their primary therapist is, their written responses (if any), and other pertinent information.

Q: How do I filter my Net Promoter® results?

  1. Click on the NPS® tab.
  2. Here you will see your current Net Promoter® Score and ranking, as well as a graph of your NPS score over time.
  3. You can use the drop-down filters at the top of the page to filter by date range, workflows you’ve set up, region, location, provider, or referring physician. This will help you see at a glance what workflow, clinic, or therapist is being successful and building meaningful patient relationships, and which ones may need tweaking.
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