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What is Net Promoter Score® (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score®, or NPS, is an industry-agnostic index that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company's products or services to others. We have licensed the use of the Net Promoter Score and leveraged the information provided by the survey for effective use in the rehab therapy world. The survey is used early in care to gauge a patient's loyalty to their clinic and to prevent early patient drop off, later in care the survey is used to gauge the patient’s overall satisfaction with the service provided by their clinic.

Why NPS?

It’s simple. All you need to do is ask your patients one question: on a scale of zero to ten, “How likely is it that you would recommend [practice name] to a friend or colleague?” Once the patient selects a number the score is recorded and the patient is redirected to an additional webpage allowing them to provide additional comments is needed.

Then, based on their response you can calculate an overall score for your practice—between -100 and 100—and determine whether the patient is a promoter, passive, or detractor.

  • Promoters (scores of 9 and 10) are your practice’s enthusiasts. They’ll seek out your services, and encourage their friends and family members to do the same. We’ll use these patients to help generate online reviews through review campaigns.
  • Passives (scores of 7 and 8) are satisfied, but not necessarily loyal. These patients may find another provider if they think he or she will be a better fit. They also may not be as outward in promoting this clinic to their friends.
  • Detractors (scores between 0 and 6) are unhappy or dissatisfied patients who may communicate their dissatisfaction to their friends and family members, thus detracting from your practice. Detractors are also more likely to drop out of care early or actively seek services elsewhere. These patients offer the greatest opportunity for improvement. Reach is able to identify these patients early in care and notify clinics allowing the clinic/therapists to intervene, preventing an early drop-off in care.

How is my score calculated and what does it mean?

Your score is calculated by subtracting the percent of detractors from the percent of promoters. For example, if 80% of respondents are promoters and 10% are detractors, your NPS is +70.

Essentially, the higher the NPS, the better—but the key is to calculate your NPS regularly and use each rating as a benchmark for your business. The only way to go is up, and if that’s what you do, then it’s a reminder to keep up the great work and continually optimize processes and behaviors to further improve your ratings. If you tumble in ratings, you know you need to right the ship before you lose (potentially more) patients.

While everyone wants to score a perfect 100, it's important to remember that across industries the average NPS is 10-15, so anything 15+ would be above average. With clinics who use our platform, we typically expect to see 80% of our clinics in the 70-80 NPS range, with 10% falling below that score and 10% rating above that score.

Our NPS tool considers 0-25 “Fair”, 25-49 “Good”, 50-69 “Excellent”, and 70+ “World Class.”

What can I do with this information?

Because NPS surveys collect meaningful, real-time feedback, you can use that information to course correct before a small problem becomes a huge issue.

  • Promoters: Ask promoters for referrals and keep in touch with them in case they ever need to return to therapy.
  • Passive: Ensure patients are paired with the therapists best suited to their needs. Consider adjusting the therapy plan if the patient feels stagnant.
  • Detractors: Catch early dropout warning signs before the patient actually quits therapy, pinpoint problem areas, and adjust your clinical and operational workflows as needed. Implement a real-time service recovery process. Check out this article on detractor management.
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