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Workflow Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I pause a workflow?

  1. To pause a continuous workflow, start by opening the Workflows page. 

  2. Click on the workflow you want to pause.
  3. In the workflow’s detail page, click Edit Workflow and select Pause Workflow from the drop-down. 

  4. You’ll receive a success message in the bottom right corner of the screen. 

  5. The workflow now has an inactive status. 

  6. When you are ready to start the workflow again, simply follow the same steps, and click Start Workflow. 

Q: When will my workflow send?

  • One Time workflows will send as soon as you click Save and Start. Remember, there is no way to stop this message once you’ve chosen start, so be sure the campaign is ready to go.
  • Continuous workflows will send to the patients that fit the list criteria once the trigger event occurs. For example, if your trigger is 5 days after the Initial Eval date and your list is All Patients, the workflow will send to patients whose initial eval occurred 5 days ago.

Q: Can I get data on my workflows in order to determine their success?

Absolutely, we believe you can't improve what you can't measure! Follow the instructions here to check the data on any of your workflows.

Q: What is the difference between a Continuous Workflow and a One Time Workflow?

Continuous workflows use time-specific triggers to send content at the specified intervals, most of your workflows will be continuous. One Time workflows allow you to send a specific piece of content to a patient list once. Read more.

Q: How do I create a continuous workflow?

Step-by-step instructions can be found here.

Q. How do I create a one-time workflow?

Step-by-step instructions can be found here.

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