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Workflow Types (One Time vs. Continuous)

Ensure your content is sent at the right time with workflows. There are two types of workflows; continuous, which use time-specific triggers to send content, and one time, which are used to manually reach out to a specific patient population.

Continuous Workflow

This type of workflow allows you to set a trigger event for when you would like to send the content to the patients contained in the list. Once you press save and start, your workflow will begin and any patients who meet the trigger and list criteria will be messaged.

This workflow will continue to send content (unless you stop it) as new patients are added to the list you selected at the time of the trigger event.

One Time Workflow

One time workflows do not contain a trigger event. You are simply sending the chosen content to the list of patients you selected. The message will be sent as soon as you click Save and Send. This type of workflow is for content that you want to send immediately. There is no way to stop a one-time workflow once it has been sent. 

Once saved, a warning will pop up before sending a one-time workflow that asks you to confirm the number of patients who will receive the selected content. This warning will help ensure the correct content is sent to the right list. 

This workflow will only run once. It will not capture patients that are added to the list over time. There are very few instances where we recommend using one-time workflows. 

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