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Patient List: Property Definitions

It’s easy to create the right patient lists if you know which property to choose. The following table describes all available properties, operators, and associated values. Please note that the properties available to you are dependent on the data gathered by your EMR. 

Property Description Operators Values
Age The age of the patient based on their date of birth. < > 0-110
Body Part The region of the body related to the patient’s primary diagnosis code. This is automatically paired for you by Reach. = != All body parts related to any primary diagnosis.
Case Creation Date Indicates whether a case has been created for the patient. = Exists, Does Not Exist
City The city associated with the patient’s primary address. = != Cities
Contact Type This field is a manual entry field on the Add/Edit Patient Form in Reach. = != Varies based on text input in the Contact Type field on the patient form.
Diagnosis This is the primary diagnosis code entered in the patient’s case. = != A list of all ICD-10 codes available in Reach. Not organization-specific.
Discharge Date When the patient was discharged. < > = Exists, Does Not Exist, 1-60 months ago
Discharge Year The year the patient was discharged = != 2013 - current year
Discharge Reason The patient’s chosen discharge reason. = != Variable list
Email The email address included in the patient record. = Exists, Does Not Exist, Valid, Invalid
Email Unsubscribed Has this email address unsubscribed from the mailing list? = True, False
Facility The facility where the patient is receiving/has received treatment. This is the more precise variable and should be used instead of Location. = != Your facility locations as entered in the data gathering spreadsheet during setup.
FSC Type Financial Service Class types. Casamba Only. = Standard, Federal, WorkersComp, Unknown
Gender The patient’s gender. = M, F, U
Initial Eval Indicates whether the patient has an Initial Eval and/or when it was created. < > = Exists, Does Not Exist, 1-60 months ago
Insurance Verification This indicates whether the patient’s insurance has been verified. = != Exists, Does Not Exist
Last Visit Date When the patient had their last visit. < > = Exists, Does Not Exist, 1-60 months ago
Location The clinic location name where the patient is receiving or has received treatment. This field can be imprecise and you should use the Facility property instead. = != Your clinic names as provided by the EMR.
Next Appointment Date This field is used to determine whether a patient has a future visit currently scheduled. = Exists, Does Not Exist
NPS Score The resulting score from the patient’s most recent NPS survey. < > = 1-10, Null, Not Null
Patient Active Is the patient currently in treatment (not discharged). = True, False
Patients All contact records that are patients. = All
Postal Code Postal code from your patient’s primary addresses. = Postal codes
Primary Insurance This refers to the primary insurance listed in the patient chart. = != Insurances as entered in your EMR
Primary Therapist This is the primary therapist who treat(ed) the patient. Based on your EMR this will be calculated differently. For WebPT, this field is based on the Assigned Therapist field in the EMR. = != Therapists at your clinics
Referral Source Referral source listed in the patient record. = != Friend, Physician
Referring Doctor Indicates who referred the patient to your clinic. = != Referring doctor names
Region All regions created in your Reach settings. = != Regions created in Reach
Scheduled Through This variable looks at whether the patient has a future appointment scheduled. = Exists, Does Not Exist
State The state associated with the patient’s primary address. = != States
Visit Number The number of visits the patient has had in their current episode of care. < > = 0-100
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