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Lists Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are patient lists?

Patient lists allow your organization to use the data you're already collecting in your EMR to segment your patient population into smaller, more focused groups based upon specific patient characteristics such as age, diagnosis, body part, and a host of other properties.

Q: What are lead lists?

Lead lists allow you to use the data submitted by the lead through a landing page form or that you've uploaded into Reach to segment your lead population into focused groups based on key items such as lead source, landing page, whether they're associated with an existing patient record, and a host of other contact properties.

Q: How do I create a list?

Check out this article for patients and this article for leads.

Q. How do I edit a list?

Check out this article for instructions

Q: How do I delete a list?

Instructions are located at the bottom of this article

Q: Can you explain filters and parameters?

Filters use AND logic so multiple filters will usually generate a smaller list of patients. Parameters use OR logic, so they usually generate a larger list of patients. Read more here.

Q: I have a question about a specific list property, where can I find information about that?

Click here for patient list properties and click here for lead list properties.

Q: Do I have to update lists every time I add a new patient or lead?

Nope! We will automatically include contacts that fit the list requirements, no matter when they are added.

Q: Where does the information referenced in patient lists come from?

The majority of the information flows directly from your integrated EMR, with the following exceptions.

  • Facility and Region: This information is gathered from the EMR and then matched to the designated Clinic/Facility Settings area. 
  • Body Part: this field is created by Reach using the diagnosis code pulled from your EMR, and mapping those to the associated body region.
  • NPS: pulls data directly from the patient responses to their most recent NPS survey.
  • Contact Type: this is the only field where you will need to enter data into Reach directly. In the Add or Edit Patient screen, you can type in a contact type. 
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